Student Kunal says,

" I am deriving a lot of benefit after enrolling in your course."

"Your paper : A Review of Natural Therapies Potentially Relevant in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Aimed at Targeting Cancer Cell Vulnerabilities" offers new hope to those suffering from TNBC."

"Now that I have gone through the course, I have a better idea of how to go about researching topics."

Dr Webb's lung scans showing tumour regression while using Suppression-centric anticancer strategy SCAS.


Proof of concept for my Suppression-centric Strategy is I have destroyed one melanoma tumour in my lung and have shrunk 3 others by around 50%. This is over a 3 month time period when I targeted lung melanoma. At the time, I was waiting for acceptance for an immunotherapy drug clinical-trial and have had no cancer drugs for 6 months before this. I am no longer eligible for the trial as I no longer have disease progression!

Before my melanoma diagnosis in 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

I was diagnosed in 2018 with an aggressive breast cancer and I underwent traditional treatments and also created my own ongoing treatment plan based on natural compounds.

I am a Research Scientist so it was natural for me to research my own personalized treatment array backed by preclinical studies.

My colleague and I have published in the cancer Journal, Integrative Cancer Therapies, a new concept for combating cancer.


This course walks you through the process of finding specific natural compounds known to kill your type of cancer.

You will need internet access, a computer capable to search for websites and free scientific publications such as those found through the google search engine. You will also require the ability to learn basic research and cancer terms.

STARTER COURSE - Find Natural Compounds That Kill your Cancer

$147 USD

includes 7 lessons and Workbook that is interactable.

Seven Lessons

Suppress Biochemical Pathways Cancers Love with Natural Compounds